The Pumperdump Breakthrough

How the PumperDump Concrete Washout Waste System Works
For a foreman or a builder, PumperDump is easy: whenever you need a concrete pump for work on a particular building site, you simply call PumperDump to arrange delivery of a Concrete Waste Separation Unit for a particular time.
The PumperDump truck arrives at the site and unloads one (or more, if there are more pumps working the site) of the patented bins which are positioned directly under the concrete pump or on the site at a convenient location.
At the end of the day’s pour, the bin is used by the operator of the pump to contain the waste generated by washing concrete from the pump and its pipes. This is an urgent task which needs to be done on-site before the wet concrete has a chance to set and clog the pipes and the pump.
Once the washout has been completed, the PumperDump truck returns to hoist the filled bin back onto the truck, and it is then carried away to the appropriate facility for recycling.

Position the Hopper

Clean the Hopper

Remove and Recycle Waste
The concrete remains in the bin until it hardens, while the water is drained into a tank on the truck, from which it is later drained and recycled. The PumperDump system has been designed for maximum efficiency, with the units easy manoeuvred in the confined spaces often found on metropolitan building sites. PumperDump bins are designed to fit beneath the hoppers of most concrete pumps with a capacity up to 1m3.
The patented PumperDump bin system allows the liquid and solid wastes to be separated and recycled, reducing solid waste to landfill and filtering the liquid to water. PumperDump’s delivery system uses a rear-mounted crane to carefully position the bin within the confines of site space and traffic requirements. PumperDump drivers are skilled licensed crane operators who deliver and pick up their PumperDump Bins quickly and safely. PumperDump expects to have this end-to-end service available in urban zones beyond metropolitan Sydney shortly.

Washout Units
PumperDump Washout Units have a 1m3 capacity (2.4 tonne) and comprise the an inner concrete solids containment bin, and outer shell for separating the liquid waste. Washout waste is neatly contained by our patented solution, which is easily located under the pump mechanism of the pump truck for the washout and then removed when the washout is competed.
Both solid and liquid wastes (slurry) will be contained in the unit, eliminating hazardous flows of run off that create problems and damage to stormwater drains.
Washout units can be ordered by calling PumperDump on 1300 366 668 or using the PumperDump App to easily book your drop off and return units with a 24 hour turned around, or as required, and provides ready-access to our low-cost sustainable system for the control of pollution which allows even small and remote construction projects to achieve significant gains in pollution control and site efficiency.

Blow Back Bins

The PumperDump patented Blow Back Unit has a 2m3 capacity and is designed for larger scale construction and building projects. The sealed units, with proprietary pressure relief, allow for high pressure washout out of concrete pump systems in multi-story and complex projects.
PumperDump’s skilled team ensure you the safe delivery, containment, removal and recycling of your waste concrete.
Our Blow Back system ensures an economic, safe and environmentally sustainable solution meeting all on-site occupational health and safety standards; and avoids the need to use alternative inappropriate or risky methods.
Blow Back Units can be ordered by calling PumperDump on 1300 366 668 or using the PumperDump App to easily book your drop off and return units with a 24 hour turned around, or as required, and provide a ready-access our low-cost sustainable method for the control of waste pollution.


PumperDump has developed a range of practical and effective on-site solutions for reducing the environmental damage caused by poor concrete washout practices.
Now, with PumperDump Spill-Fix, you have a way to quickly contain any unexpected spill slurry before it gets away into stormwater drains or onto the soil.
You simply spread the white granules lightly and evenly over any slurry spill. Within a minute or so, the spill will solidify into a manageable mass, so it’s a relatively simple matter to sweep or shovel the solids up.
PumperDump Spill-Fix is every building site’s emergency solution when things go wrong during a concrete pour or washout. It can be used to control concrete slurry in many other situations as well.
One screw-top container PumperDump Spill-Fix will settle up to 120lts of slurry.
PumperDump Spill-Fix is a valuable tool across a range of situations and workplaces. It is useful to:
- Environmental officers
- Local council rangers
- Site managers
- Pump truck operators
- Batching truck operators
- Concrete polishers & cutters
- Home builders
- Bricklayers
- etc
Compare Products
Pumper Dumper Wash Out Units | |
SUITABILITY | urban sites, all construction projects |
RANGE OF SERVICE | sydney metropolitan area only (Melbourne Brisbane in development) |
SERVICE | on site bin delivery & removal by PumperDump crane truck |
PRODUCT AVAILABILTY | booked by phone or App |
DELIVERY | within hours, by arrangement |
STORAGE | delivered as required within 24 hours or less |
PAYMENT REQUIREMENTS | monthly invoice |
PumperDump Blow Back Bins | |
SUITABILITY | urban sites, larger scale multi-story and complex construction |
RANGE OF SERVICE | sydney metropolitan area only (Melbourne Brisbane in development) |
SERVICE | on site bin delivery & removal by pumperdump crane truck |
PRODUCT AVAILABILTY | booked by phone or App |
DELIVERY | within hours, by arrangement |
STORAGE | delivered as required within 24 hours or less |
PAYMENT REQUIREMENTS | monthly invoice |